During your first visit to our dental office, and during subsequent check-up appointments, you will undergo a dental cleaning and exam performed by a member of our qualified dental team. This is essential to maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile. We will especially take time during your first appointment with Dr. LePhuoc and Dr. Truong; at Dentists at Lincoln Green, we consider your first visit to be the most important one of all. During a dental cleaning and exam in Houston, Texas, our team will follow these general measures:
- Your teeth will be professionally cleaned and polished. This is done to remove built-up plaque and tartar, which can cause infection and decay if left untreated.
- We will check for signs of existing decay or damage.
- Old dental restorations will be examined for any needed repairs.
- You will be given a fluoride treatment to help protect your teeth even after you leave our office.
- An oral cancer screening will be performed.
- During your first appointment, dental X-rays will be taken. If necessary, more X-rays will be taken at later appointments to help plan treatments or find hidden damage.
This is a great time to discuss any concerns or questions you have. Dental cleanings and exams also allow our dental team to get a vision for your smile and begin planning treatment. If you are due for a visit to the dentist, schedule your appointment today!